- Summer Student Accommodation
Summer Student Accommodation
If you’re looking for somewhere to stay during the summer, we have summer accommodation for students available across the country in fantastic city locations.
You can book for a summer short stay of just a few nights, or you can stay for the whole summer. If you currently live with us at Homes for Students, you can extend your stay in your current property, or why not visit another city for the summer period and stay in one of our other fabulous properties?
If you are arriving to start your course in September and need somewhere to stay to fit in with flights, or just to get to know the city before your studies begin, you could arrive early and give yourself some extra time.
If you need accommodation to complete a summer internship or placement as part of your studies, or you’re attending a language school, summer school, or precessional course, Homes for Students is the perfect summer student accommodation for you, with great locations, affordable, all-inclusive rates that include all bills and unlimited internet access.