International Students

Living in the UK


At Homes for Students we pride ourselves on making our international students feel welcome, making the transition from abroad as smooth as possible. We start with easier ways to book and pay for your student accommodation and then when you arrive we host regular social events so that you can meet new friends. Visit our onsite common rooms to relax and socialise at your leisure.

Our teams are always on hand to help with you with anything you may need whilst living with us. We are very knowledgeable about the area too so let us help you get around.

Homes for Students offer all-inclusive rents so that you can enjoy hassle free living from the moment you arrive. Our sites offer super-fast WIFI so you can easily connect with loved ones back home.


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TransferMate makes it easier and cheaper for international students to pay for their fees. At Homes for Students, we know that our international students often get caught out by annoying transfer fees when paying for their accommodation. We don’t think that’s fair, so we’ve teamed up with our buddies at TransferMate to help you pay your accommodation fees without wasting precious funds on additional fees or charges….

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If you are an international student and would like to pay your rent in instalments, you will need a qualified UK guarantor. So we’ve teamed up with a great company to make sorting out a UK guarantor a simple and easy process!

During the booking process with Homes for Students if you wish to use either of the services below please add Housing Hand into the guarantor pages of the booking process online and once your application is complete please contact Housing Hand to make your guarantor application with them as per the instructions below. This ensures your room is secured with us, once Homes for Students hear back from the guarantor company to say your application has been accepted we will then complete your booking.



If you are an International or UK student planning to book a room at Home for Students and pay your rent in instalments, you will be asked to provide a qualified UK based Guarantor. A Guarantor is someone who is in full time employment or a homeowner, who will take financial responsibility for the tenancy and will be liable to pay the tenants rent if, for any reason, they are unable to pay an amount owed to the accommodation provider.

Homes for Students in partnership with Housing Hand provides a Guarantor service for students who are unable to provide a satisfactory UK based Guarantor.

For further information about the Housing Hand Guarantor service, please visit or call them directly on +44 (0) 20 7205 2625.


Housing Hand charges a one off fee at the beginning of your tenancy. The fee is calculated on your course and location details,to get an instant quote you just need to make an application online. The cost of the service will be between 60-95 % of your share of the monthly rent, subject to a minimum of £295.


It is known that people or businesses make bookings of rooms in high demand properties and cities to sell to individuals later, or pay others to make bookings to be resold later. While we do everything we can to stop this fraudulent activity, including requiring ID and university evidence, it is not possible to stop it completely. The individuals and groups conducting this fraudulent activity claim to have legitimate reasons to want to sell their rooms, but subsequently charge high additional fees to the genuine student who wants to room.

Students should NOT book rooms from private individuals claiming to have special offers or exclusivity of rooms. Homes for Students manage enquiries, bookings, and organise tenancy takeovers directly. It is highly unlikely a room that becomes unwanted by an individual will be re-let to a student who is introduced to us by that person.

If in any doubt as to the legitimacy of a room offer, special promotion, or to verify if an individual or business advertising rooms to let is legitimate, you should NOT make any payment to them, and contact Homes for Students at:

Rooms will NEVER be sold by Homes for Students with any ‘application fees’, ‘service fees’, ‘admin fees’, ‘takeover fees’, ‘handling fees’, or any other additional fees that are not detailed on our website. Any individual or business stating this is required is acting fraudulently. Please report this activity to us at: and do not make any payment to them.

Tenants who have entered a legally binding contract will remain liable for the rent for the whole length of the contracted tenancy until another tenant that is acceptable to the landlord is found and the room is able to be re-let.


众所周知,一些个人和公司会在热门公寓和城市预定一些房间然后高价转租给真正有需要的人。我们正在尽一切努力去阻止这种恶意炒房的欺诈行为,这包括了要求租房人提供有效的身份证件以及大学的证明,但还是不能完全杜绝这种欺诈行为。 那些具有炒房行为的个人和机构会声称自己有正当理由转租他们的房间, 然后高价转租给真正有需求的学生。

学生们不要轻易相信私人机构或个人所谓的独家优惠以及独家房源,不要高价承租他们的房间。 Homes For Students直接管理着咨询,预定以及转租流程。我们不会将房间直接转租给那些个人(黄牛)介绍给我们的学生。

如果你对任何优惠活动,订单有疑问,或是需要验证是否那些机构或个人转租房间的合法性,请直接联系我们 并且不要向他们支付任何费用。

Homes For Students 不会向学生收取任何服务费, 申请费,转租费等附加费用, 任何有这些收取附加费用的个人或公司属于欺诈行为。发现此行为请直接与我们联系:salesenquiries@wearehomesforstudents.com并且不要向他们支付任何费用
